General Questions

1. What are motorcycle crash guards?

A motorcycle crash guard is a relatively simple piece of safety equipment. It’s a piece of metal that attaches to the bike’s frame. While the design can vary – it comes in various styles. It would be that protective guard sticking out a few inches past the side of the motorcycle to prevent damage and harm to both the rider and the motorcycle.
2. Are all motorcycle crash guards steel?
No. Crash guards tend to be made of aluminum, stainless steel, or mild steel. Aluminum is the lightest and adds the least amount of weight to a bike but isn’t particularly strong. Stainless steel won’t rust, but it also absorbs the least energy in a crash, limiting its effectiveness. Mild steel is strong but can rust if a bike is left out in the elements. Riders have to determine which option is best suited for their riding style.
3. What does a motorcycle crash guard do?
If the motorcycle falls or is involved in a collision, the crash guard will prevent the bike from falling onto its side. This can stop the motorcycle from crushing the rider and passengers. The guard can also protect the engine, fuel tank, and other components of the vehicle itself.
4. How effective is crash guard protection?
With a motorcycle crash guard installed, a rider can increase the likelihood of avoiding potentially catastrophic injuries and fiery crashes. A crash guard also protects the motorcycle body from scratches or dents by preventing it from coming in contact with the ground.

5. What injuries can motorcycle crash guards prevent?
Motorcycle crash guards won’t stop a rider from getting thrown from their bike in a collision. However, the metal guard can prevent the bike from falling on a rider. This essential auxiliary can help prevent one of the leading causes of debilitating trauma among riders: leg injuries.
Studies suggest that motorcycle crash guards can help to minimize:
● Ankle injuries.
● Lower leg injuries.
● And injuries to the upper legs.
Motorcycle crash guards can be beneficial if riders are involved in low-speed tip-overs. If the bike falls to the side, the crash guard can absorb the impact and prevent the bike from crushing a rider’s or passenger’s leg. The guard itself can also make it easier for the rider to pick the bike back up.
6. Do motorcycle crash guards work?
It depends on who you ask. It also depends on the crash guard you buy. One study conducted by Rageworx shows that the quality of a crash guard is the most crucial factor to consider. Researchers said that many crash guards are “too flimsy” or “too poorly designed” to protect riders in an accident. They urged a standardized design to ensure that crash guards are strong enough to work as intended.
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